Monday, July 13, 2020

Paris- Arc de Triomphe

Arc de Triomphe

A unique view of the Champs-Élysées, the world’s most beautiful avenue.
The Arc de triomphe was begun in 1806, on the orders of Napoleon I to honour the victories of his Grande Armée. Inspired by the great arches of antiquity, this iconic monument bears the names of battles and generals from the Revolution and the First Empire. Every evening, the flame is lit on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier from the Great War. The terrace provides superb views both by day and night across the city and its great sweeping avenues.
                           Exploring The World 💓

Paris- Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

          Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

After climbing the 422 steps of the towers of Notre-Dame Cathedral, visitors are rewarded with one of the most stunning panoramic views of Paris. On the way up to the top are three not-to-be-missed features: The Salle Haute has amazing Gothic architecture with ribbed vaults; the Galerie des Chimères enables you to get close to the famous gargoyles, including the famous Stryge; and a few steps from the top, you can stop and admire the belfry, church bells and the famous 13-ton great bell 'Emmanuel'.
        Exploring The World ❤️

Paris- Louvre Museum

Louvre Museum

Every trip to the capital deserves a visit to the Louvre to discover the wealth of treasures it contains. The museum houses western works of art dating from the Middle Ages to 1848, in addition to collections of ancient oriental, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman civilizations, as well as graphic and Islamic arts. From room to room, the former royal palace reveals its masterpieces to the public: the Mona Lisa, The Raft of the Medusa, the Venus de Milo, and The Winged Victory of Samothrace. In total, there are 35,000 works to be discovered or re-discovered! With its eight hundred year old history, the Louvre has been influenced by numerous architectural trends, from the medieval fortress of the 12th century to the glass pyramid by Pei (1989). The latest addition, housing the Islamic arts section, was designed by architects Mario Bellini and Rudy Ricciotti. The undulating glass canopy covers the Visconti courtyard, flooding the 2,800 m² new wing with light. A visit to the museum is particularly pleasant at night: the Louvre is less crowded and visitors can enjoy stunning night-time views of Pei’s glass pyramid, the Cour Carrée and the Seine

Paris- Eiffel Tower

                               Eiffel Tower
One of the most famous landmarks in the world, the Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel) symbolizes Paris. Before arriving here, visitors have a vivid image of this monument as seen in a postcard, movie, or on a keychain, yet the Eiffel Tower still manages to amaze. This masterpiece of architectural achievement soars to a height of 324 meters. A feat of ingenuity, the structure of 18,000 iron parts is held together by 2.5 million rivets.
Despite its massive weight, the Eiffel Tower has an airy lattice construction with the seeming lightness of a ballerina on point. The graceful tower is also known as the "Iron Lady."